Advantages of Investing in the Stock Market

There are plenty of investment options available today from shares, mutual funds to PPF, FDs/RDs, etc but the investment option which has provided the highest returns in the long term is Shares. But high returns come with high risk. Hence before you invest your hard-earned money in the stock market, you should be aware of the advantages of stock market investing . Typically, investors prefer to stay away from uncertainty and tend to panic when such situations arise. This panic then breeds mistakes and in a volatile market, mistakes can be easily translated to losses. Therefore, investors need to understand how to overcome the advantages of stock market investing . Higher Liquidity: In the Indian stock market, two exchanges, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE) play important roles. Most companies trade their shares on either or both of these exchanges. This provides higher liquidity to investors because average dail...